How do you attack an island base in 2023? [Master Guide]

In Clash of clans, most people are like to create a base layout that can take time to destroy. Island bases are one of them to take time to crack but just think about if in the war your opponent has an island base then what you will do! So therefore you have to learn how do you attack an island base? Right!!

Before starting this learning session let's clear out first what does island base means?

➡ So, in Clash of clans island base means one base layout where you can find 4 separate compartments in the fore areas such as 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock, and 9 o'clock.

According to the base layouts, it's fixed that your troops will be working only side by side of the base or destroy those 4 compartments only. 

But guys, it's important to know troops should enter the middle of the base because in the middle opponent town hall should be there.

That is the problem guys, here you can easily get a trick to get 3 stars from every Island base.

Sample base >>


It's an island layout in this pic but as you can see town hall is based on one part. So it depends on you where you have to fix your town hall.

Now, Time to take a jump to move on to the next...

How do you attack an ISLAND BASE?

There are several types of attack strategies available, but here you will get some epic attack techniques.

Important Tricks to crack island bases:

• Try to destroy the eagle artillery or Townhall first. If not possible take down any one of them.
• Make sure to kill the enemy cc troops as soon as possible.
• Opponent king or queen should be killed. At least queen you have to take down.
• Queen charge attacks are best.
• According to the inferno tower modes you have to choose your troops.
• Use battle blimp with 2 Yetis if town hall is in the middle section.
Let's discuss some attack strategies...,

➤ How do I use GoBoWi + Bats spell Attack strategy on island bases?

This is one of the best attack strategies which I have used in war every Island base and sure got 3 stars effortlessly. I hope for you also it will be quite a simple attack.

Go+Bo+Wi+bat spell troops combination is here that will help you how many troops have to take for the attack.

Attack Tricks:

  1. Select a side where you will get eagle artillery, Queen any of one or both.
  2. Deploy all troops one by one in a moment just like - golem, witches, bowlers, Wall Wrecker, King, queen, and grand warden.
  3. Use rage spells at specific times.
  4. Use grand warden ability at a perfect time.
  5. Deploy bat spells and use freeze spells on wiz towers to save the bats.
  6. Use your king and queen ability according to the situation. 
  7. Deploy your clean-up troops for finished the attack faster. And enjoy your attack.

➤ How to use Dragon with Bat spell Attack strategy on island bases?

As you can see it's an air troop and if you are interested in air attacks then this attack is only for you guys.
According to this pic base you should take,

Troops combo:
• 10 Dragon
• 10 Balloons
• 2 Ice golem
• other clean-up troops
• 1 rage spell
• 2 Freeze spell
• 9 Bat spell

Attack Tricks:

  1. First, creat a funnel using your heroes.
  2. Use ice golem also to protect the Queen mainly.
  3. Deploy 5 Bat spells on eagle artillery.
  4. Deploy all drags and grand warden.
  5. Use rage spell on drags.
  6. Deploy stone slammer on one side to take down the inferno tower.
  7. Use other bat spells to destroy the wiz tower and freeze spells to protect the bats.
  8. Use the ability of the warden when drags are going to take down the town hall.
Note: To get the sample just go to your COC account and click the"Attack" section then click on the "Practice section" after that check out the "Flying Circus" attack in Tutorial mode.
Or, you can watch here the dragon's method- 

➤ Is the Hybrid Attack strategy effective on island bases? ( Miners and Hogs )

It's a popular attack, and I hope you also heard about this strategy. In this attack you have to know how to control the queen, if you did then it's so simple for you.
For me, it's the best attack in town hall 12.

To know how many troops you have to use in a hybrid army.

Attack Tricks:
  1. Focus on your queen must, and try to take down the eagle artillery and enemy cc troops.
  2. Start creating funnel using king and use his ability also.
  3.  Clear out one side of the base using queen only. In short take 30%-40% destruction.
  4. Use rage spell on the queen to help to take down buildings faster.
  5.  Let's create a decent funnel using siege barrack's Pekka.
  6. Start your all troops deploying such as miners, and hogs in that middle portion.
  7. Use heal spell on your troops at a perfect time.
  8. Use your grand warden ability according to the situation.
  9. Use your clean-up troops in the last to destroy the other building.
Sample video for you,

Here in this video, the first base is island base type. So must watch this video and concentrate on the Queen walk. Then only you can understand the hybrid army method.

➤  How to use Electro Drag Attack strategy on Island bases?

It's super cool to destroy such kinds of bases very easily. It's also another air attack technique that will help to get 3 stars on the island bases.

Attack Tricks:

  1. Choose a particular site where you will get ed or enemy queen or cc/ or you can choose the opposite of air sweeper face.
  2. Use 1-2 electro drag to clean up some buildings or you can just deploy all electro drags without creating a funnel.
  3. Use grand warden ability earlier or you can use it when the town hall is going to destroy (Depends on you).
  4. Use rage spells and freeze spells one by one according to the situation.
  5. Use king and queen for a clean-up and use their ability also.
  6. Use battle blimp with balloons and yeti to take down the town hall easily but make sure battle blimp should be safe.

Let's see...,


So, guys, I hope you can understand easily all of these attacks and also how do you attack an island base. The hybrid army is my best and I use it every time for Loot attacks and war attacks as well.
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If you have any doubts about any of these attack techniques just leave a comment below I will help you.

That's all guys..., 


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