Do you want to learn a powerful attack Strategy that you can use in every town hall 12 bases? If Yes, then this is the exact page where you will learn How do you make a Pekka bobat army for town hall 12 base layouts.
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How do you make a Pekka bobat? |
In town hall 12 there are various types of attack strategies available, many people try to make different combinations such as queen walk with electro drag, Smash Super Archer attack, Yeti - bowlers with super goblin, 50 mass hogs attack for creating their unique attack.
On the level of town hall 12, You will get a cool-looking town hall made of sky blue color with a heavy powerful Giga tesla. But here many people don't know
how many levels does town hall 12/have?
In short, it has only 5 levels. You have to upgrade your town hall 5 times as a result town hall will get 5 star level of Giga Tesla which have excessive power in this 5 level.
So, you must upgrade your town hall first.
Now, coming to the main point,
How do you make a Pekka bobat (The Powerful Army Ever)?
Normally, the Pekka bo bat attack strategy includes,
• 5 Pekka
• 3 Healers
• 10 bowlers
• 1 ice golem
• 2 balloon
• 5 wizards
• 2 Minion and 4 Archer
• 2 Yeti or bowlers with Wall Wrecker in CC
Spells are:
> 1 Rage spell
> 1 Poison spell
> 3 Freeze spell
> 5 Bat spell
> 1 Rage spell on CC
Now here guys, I want to add my personal opinion - I'm also using this strategy every time and I got 3 stars effortlessly.
But you can make a couple of changes to this army such as you can take 4 Pekka, 2 ice golems, 4 healers, 4 freeze spells, etc.
It depends on you only how you can arrange your army for town hall 12 base layout.
I hope you have already understood how you can exactly make your Pekka+Bowler+Bat spell (Pekka Bobat) army. Right!!
Let's move on...,
How do you attack a town hall level 12 - using the Pekka Bobat army?
Guide Step - First of all, have patience and cool your mind. Because it's not the quickest method where you can deploy all troops and spell at the same time.
You should have a focus on this attack until it is finished. Here you can see some important key points which you should be kept in your mind...
➤ Try to destroy the Eagle Artillery first. Try to start your attack on the Eagle artillery side.
➤ See the 5 Wizard Tower placements. Before starting the attack you have to see it first.
➤ Wiz towers are most effective on bats so you have to focus on those towers accurately.
➤ Try to kill Opponent Queen also as soon as possible.
➤ Opponent Clan Castle(CC) troops you have to kill must. If you can't do this it will affect your attack in some of the cases. But in some time it doesn't matter.
How to use the Pekka bobat army? (Step by Step)
STEP 1 > Choose a particular site where you can take down opponent CC easily and if the opponent queen is also attached with eagle artillery then it's a great opportunity to take down both of them easily.
And see where you can destroy the maximum wizard tower of the base. If you get them all, it's your time to start the attack.
STEP 2 > Create a nice funnel using troops such as 1-2 Pekka or 1 Pekka and your king by deploying both corners of that side or a particular area by which troops can easily enter the core of the base.
Don't use much more troops to creat a funnel only. You have to clear out the corner builders only as a result your troops will be able to enter easily in the core of the base
STEP 3 > After creating a nice funnel now it's the time to deploy your troops one be one.
Deploy all Pekka with a wall wrecker that will help you to creat a path by breaking the walls. Now deploy all healers, bowlers, your Queen, and grand warden behind the wall wrecker.
STEP 4 > Now you have already deployed your all main troops escaped the cleanup troops. Right..!! And the attack is going well.
If the opponent cc is activated then you have to use 1 poison spell on opponent cc troops.
STEP 5 > Now You have to use 1 rage spell also on your troops for that all troops will work first and kill the enemy troops faster.
** You have to use your hero's ability according to the situation.
STEP 6 > After destroying the eagle artillery when your troops are going to destroy the town hall use the warden's ability before it's destroyed.
You can use another rage here if it is needed.
Note- Here is one point you should know, sometimes you have to use the warden's ability earlier so don't worry all Pekka and your cc troops are destroying the town hall easily.
STEP 7 > Now, you have to look at the base properly and find out how many wizard towers are alive!!,
According to their placements start your batting, I mean deploy all bat spell on a particular side.
Note- If there is no option to anywhere and you have to destroy a wizard tower first then use 1 Freeze spell on that wizard tower after that deploy all the bat spell faster on that.
STEP 8 > So you have already deployed all the bats spells right..!! Now you have to look at the wizard towers only when your bats are going to destroy the tower use freeze spells before the bats are entering the wizard tower range.
STEP 9 > That's all, Now all wiz tower will be destroyed. Just use your clean-up troops to destroy the other buildings quickly.
Note - The time you should keep in your mind guys then only you can complete your attack successfully.
Winning Moment / STEP 10 > Now your Pekka no bat attack strategy is going to finish and surely it will take 3 stars there is no doubt ( If you do your job perfectly by timing).
Let's watch this video to understand the attack practically...
So guys These were the simple steps to know how the Pekka+Bo+Bat attack works on town hall 12 bases. I hope you all are understood easily.
Hey, guys are you with me...till now?
Let's take a short jump to move on to the next interesting part,
COMPARISON between Hybrid attack and Pekka bobat attack:
Hybrid Attack:
At the level of the town hall, 12 hybrid attack is the most powerful attack strategy that you can use in every th12 base.
If you can use the army properly 100℅ sure you will get 3 stars easily.
Main points:
• A hybrid attack is a ground attack method that you can also use skillfully. Generally, this attack depends on the Queen's walk.
• Make sure you've to give importance to the queen to determine this attack successfully.
• From starting at town hall 11, 12, 13 even th14 levels of players are used this superpower method still now in 2022. So as you can see how hybrid attack is strong at every town hall level.
• This attack includes 15 Miners+13 Hogs+5 Healers+2 walls breaker+1 Baby dragon+4 Wizards +1 balloon+2 Archers / Spells are 2 Heal+2 Rage+2 Freeze+1 Poison. / 8 Hogs and 1 Heal with Siege barrack on CC.
You can see the troop's combination in the above picture.
• In this attack also you have to kill the enemy troops and takedown eagle artillery using the queen.
But sometimes there are different bases where you have to take down the town hall first.
So according to the base you have to make the decision what compartment you're going to take down.
• In this attack You have to just concentrate on the Queen walk only. Once your queen walks going great and takes down all needed units perfectly the attack will get 100%destructions.
• Use Queen and the grand warden ability accurately.
Here in this video where you can learn about this attack particularly...,
Pekka Bo Bat Attack:
• It's a great town hall 12 ground attack technique.
• Make sure to creat a proper funnel for your troops that will enter the base smoothly.
• Bowlers are important on this attack so use them according to the time.
• Try to destroy the eagle artillery and take down the enemy queen also.
• Control the bats using freeze spells to break the wiz towers
• Kill the enemy troops as soon as possible.
• Use warden ability properly.
• Overall it's the best th12 attack strategy for th10, th12, th12.
Enjoy this attack with a cup of coffee with bowlaer tag:
So, tell me guys, how do you like this attack strategy. I hope you have already understood how do you make a Pekka bobat army for town hall 12 base and how to use it.
Just try this attack method on your attack and tell me how was your experience via comments.
If you have any type of doubts about this strategy just leave a comment I'm here to help you.
Now coming to the bottom line, just share this amazing post with your friends & social media platforms to help them.
Happy Clashing..!!
Thank You.