How to use SUPER ARCHER? - COC SUPER ARCHER Entire guide 2023


Hey chief, welcome back once again with a new master guide. Today, I'm going to explain to you how to use super archer in 2023 and every single point and value of it as a super troop in the clash of clans game.

As you have already read that it's a super troop. First of all, you should know if you are the chief town hall 11 then only super troops are eligible for you to use.


COC Super archer in 2022

How to get super archer in coc

States of super archer

How to train super archer in coc

How super archer works

How do you use super archer

Super archer attack strategy 2022

Disadvantages of super archer

Final section

Wait, if you are a new chief of th11 and don't know anything about super troops then make sure to check out first how to unlock super troops.

Let's move on to the next...,



In the super builder (where you have to boost any super troop) it is the 2nd super troop on the whole list.

There are a total of 12 super battalions are available till now. Let's explain the entries details of super archer so that you'll get an idea of how you can use it.

Now first take a look on,


When you are at town hall 11 will receive a dedicated builder which will be located just next to the daily deals hut. 

1st, you need to upgrade your laboratory earlier.

2nd, you need to upgrade the level of the regular archer.

3rd, You have to upgrade the archer level until the level of 8 because this is an exact level that requires unlocking the super archer (Both levels should be matched). Below you can see...,

4th, When you achieve the 8 levels of your regular archer you just need either 25k dark elixir or "super potion" to boost up.

5th, Now just click on any button which you want and boost it. Now you can get super archer troop easily for up to 3 days.

Note: If the boost duration time is finished you can boost again. You don't have to wait for a few days. This is a great update fix by coc in 2021.

So, these are the simple steps to unlock.

States of Super Archer

First focus on the shocking stats given below.

 12 Housing space

 Super archer's firing arrows deal damage to multiple targets in a row.


The main interesting differences are...

Max Regular archer (Level 10)

• Damage per second - 34

• Hitpoints - 60

• Training Cost - 800 Elixir

• Training time - 5 seconds

• Housing space - 1

Max Super archer (Level 10)

• Damage per second - 144

• Hitpoints - 550

• Training Cost - 9600 Elixir

• Training time - 1 minute 12 seconds 

• Housing space - 24

So here you can see the entire states which will help you to use this super troop.

Before unlocking you can try this troop in a particular base so that you'll understand the power, attacking style, damage type, of this troop. Just tap on the "Try" button and go for a sample attack now..!!

Are you enjoying guys...?

How to train Super archer in COC?

To boost up this troop, you just need to 25k dark elixir if you don't have sufficient dark elixir use "super potion" which can be achieved via clan events, clan games, offers, and deals.

There is no other way to train the super archer it'll be trained on regular barracks where you train the normal archer.

You need to open your troop's section and select the number of super archers you want and it'll be trained by normal barracks.

Let's see the training time according to the barracks...,

For 1 Barrack - 4 min 48 seconds 

For 2 Barrack - 2 min 24 seconds 

For 3 Barrack - 1 min 36 seconds

For 4 Barrack - 1 min 12 seconds 

How Super archer works?

➔ Super archer's main capacity is it's hitting. It can damage multiple buildings in a row at once.

➔ It means it can damage a maximum of 3 attached buildings just in one hit so that it can take down a couple of targets in a row.

➔ Every firing arrow is going straight only if you take a little example of electro drag as you've seen it hitting light not going straight right..! But still, it damages multiple buildings in a real lightning style.

➔ Super archers do not have any specific target quality so that they can easily damage any unit near to them.

➔ If enemy clan castle troops or skeletons are triggered in that time it stops the hitting on other buildings and immediately takes around and tries to kill them if the enemy cc troops near to any super archer.

How do you use Super archers?

I told you before that it damages buildings in a row and its firing arrows go just straight so here you have to learn the main thing which is the "Angle of Deployment".

You need to deploy this particular troop in an exact style so that it can take down 2 or more units. If you deploy at the wrong angle without planning it may not be able to take more units.

For example, just think one resource storage is there and a little farther one defense also located (behind the storage) in a base. In this case, if you deploy one super archer in the corner angel of the storage the firing arrows will miss out on that defense right..!

But if you deploy it straight in the middle angle of the storage side it will damage that behind defense also. So you should back off in your mind this keyway just in case.

I hope you understood the technique if not let me know via comment.

Super Archer attack strategy 2023

Trending >> Queen walk + Super archer Attack (Th12, Th11, Th 13)

In this attack, you need to focus on the queen charge. 

Using queen charge you've to try to take down the eagle artillery mainly and create a decent funnel also so that super archer can enter the base together.

Use Siege machine or log launcher with this attack army.

Click here to - Copy This Army

You can make your army just like this. Make some changes according to you and go for the attack.

It's a successful army for me and I have used it many times. 

Key point - The super archer have to stay together if they spread overall it'll be very inefficient. So that you need to creat a wide funnel fast using queen on one side and the other with King.

I used super archer in th 12 generally and I like it to do on town hall 12.

Learn the Attack practically using this video:

Here is one more video for you:

This particular video will teach you If you failed with your queen charge that case how you can survive using super archers only.

Th13 super archer attack strategy:

DISADVANTAGES of Super archers

Now take a look at a couple of weaknesses of this super troop. You have to fix this weakness by practicing with this super battalion.

The main problem of super archers is scattershot in all the defenses. Because just in one-hit super archers can die.

 Solution - Try to destroy the scattershot first if possible with queen walk otherwise take a couple of lightning spells to destroy two scattershot.

 The Eagle artillery is also another dangerous defense for them.

 Solution - To survive its powerful hits try to take down faster with queen charge. If you miss it use freeze spells and warden ability in perfect time.

 In front of the powerful enemy queen (level 65-80) enemy queen can easily kill all super archers if they bunch together in front of the queen.

 Solution - Use skeleton spells/freeze/poison spell on the enemy queen.

 Wizard tower - It's less effective but still doesn't take it as simply because just one wizard tower can change the game if you have no spell to use on it in any attack.

 Solution - Use freeze spells if needed or try to distract.



So, That's all my friend. I hope you got an entire knowledge about this amazing super troop and also in brief how to use Super Archer in clash of clans.

Now it's your turn to use this troop on your attack, first you have to keep patience to learn the attack with this troop.


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If you have any queries regarding this particular super troop or anything about the clash of clans feel free to comment me any time I'm always here to help you.

Don't forget to follow me guys to get new posts in the next and also share this post with your friends / social media circle now.


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